PCI Geomatics

PCI Geomatics

PCI Geomatics, founded in 1982, is the world leader in geo-imaging products and solutions. PCI Geomatics has set the standard in remote sensing and image processing tools offering customized solutions to the geomatics community in over 135 countries and with more than 21,000 licenses distributed worldwide.

PCI Geomatics is the developer of Geomatica®— complete and integrated desktop software that features remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, geospatial analysis, map production, mosaicking and automated product systems capabilities. Geomatica software enables users to apply imagery in support of a wide range of applications such as the environment, agriculture, security and intelligence, the aerospace and defense industries, and satellite receiving stations.

Geomatica is interoperable with other geospatial tools with an emphasis on automation and full raster and vector integration. Geomatica software is the definitive industry leader and the standard in geo-imaging tools.

PCI Geomatics is a privately held Canadian corporation headquartered in Toronto with worldwide facilities: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada; Arlington, Virginia, United States; Redlands, California, United States; Edinburgh, Scotland; Pune and New Delhi, India; and Beijing, China.

Geomatica offers a single, integrated software system that will meet all your remote sensing and image processing needs—turning your imagery into answers.

So if you require complete and comprehensive software for your processing—get Geomatica. With Geomatica, PCI Geomatics offers the most complete geo-imaging software solution to date:

  • Geomatica is the definitive industry leader and the standard in remote sensing and image processing tools.
  • Geomatica breaks down the conventional divisions in traditional remote sensing, spatial analysis, and photogrammetry, cartography, web and development tools—all in a single, integrated environment. What does this mean for you? Fewer errors, less wasted time, and greater productivity.
  • Geomatica has full raster and vector integration and support for over 100 geospatial data formats, offering solutions for all your processing needs while maintaining complete interoperability with outside software technologies.
  • Geomatica’s powerful OrthoEngine® technology drives the efficient production of geometrically corrected images and mosaics.
  • Geomatica offers database access capabilities for Oracle, ODBC, Web Services and more.

You can choose from Geomatica Core or Geomatica Prime with additional add-on modules below for both software solutions.

  • Auto DEM
  • SAR Polarimetry
  • Satellite Ortho Suite
  • Radar Ortho Suite
  • Pansharpening

More info :  www.pcigeomatics.com

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