CIMB-NIAGA Scholarship / Beasiswa CIMB-NIAGA

November 15, 2008 by airianto  
Filed under Family, Scholarship

Saudara-saudara semua para pengunjung, barangkali punya putra-putri yang akan lulus SMU / MA, di bawah ini info beasiswa undergraduate ke Malaysia dari CIMB-Niaga. Ada Ekonomi Syariahnya juga, jadi lumayan mendukung hijrah ke sistem syariah, barangkali tertarik untuk mencobanya. Saya juga akan coba untuk anak pertama saya Mufida Inas Aulia yang InsyaAllah pada 2009 akan selesai dari MA (Madrasah Aliyah) Pesantren Modern SAHID, mohon doa restunya. Yuuuk bareng-bareng kita coba, kalau gratisan… siapa takut. Semoga bermanfaat…..

Sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab mendukung pengembangan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, Bank CIMB Niaga dan CIMB Group memberikan kesempatan kepada pelajar Indonesia untuk mendapatkan beasiswa melanjutkan pendidikan S1 di Malaysia untuk program studi*)

  1. Micro Financing
  2. Economics & Administration
  3. Business & Accountancy
  4. Syariah Banking
  5. Computer Science & Information Technology

Program beasiswa meliputi :

  • Biaya proses seleksi (Test TOEFL, Test Psychology, dll).
  • Biaya pendaftaran ke universitas.
  • Biaya pendidikan.
  • Biaya hidup.
  • Biaya asuransi kesehatan.
  • Biaya buku.
  • Personal computer.
  • Biaya penelitian untuk akhir tahun.
  • Biaya pembuatan passport dan perijinan ke Kedutaan Malaysia serta imigrasi.

Bank CIMB Niaga hanya mempertimbangkan formulir aplikasi yang memenuhi persyaratan dan tidak akan mengembalikan dokumen aplikasi yang telah disampaikan. Pemilihan penerima beasiswa sepenuhnya menjadi keputusan Bank CIMB Niaga serta CIMB Group dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Bank CIMB Niaga akan mengumumkan nama penerima Beasiswa di website Bank CIMB Niaga paling lambat 31 Juli 2009.

*) Penentuan Universitas dan Program Studi ditetapkan oleh Bank CIMB Niaga.

Syarat Penerimaan Beasiswa :

  • Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI).
  • Harus memiliki hasil Ujian Nasional (UN) dan Ujian Sekolah minimal 8.00 ke atas.
  • Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain.

Mengirimkan :

  • Formulir pendaftaran yang telah dilengkapi.
  • Hasil UN dan ujian sekolah (atau hasil raport legalisir 5 semester terakhir).
  • Surat keterangan dari pihak sekolah.
  • Foto berwarna 3 x 4 (2 lembar).

Cara Pendaftaran :

Pelajar yang berminat harus melengkapi formulir pendaftaran dan mengirimkannya bersama seluruh copy dokumen yang dipersyaratkan paling lambat 28 Pebruari 2009 ke:

Bank CIMB Niaga
Up. Sdri. Aan Haerani,
Organization & Strategic Development Group (OSDG) – HR Development
Griya Niaga I Lt. 3 Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok BIV No. 3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7, Tangerang
atau email ke: cimbniagascholarshi p@bniaga.

Persyaratan, klik di sini
Formulir pendaftaran, klik di sini



Established on 26 September 1955, CIMB Niaga is currently the seventh largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets. CIMB Niaga has the second-largest position in mortgage lending, currently commanding around 10% market share. The majority of the Bank’s equity had been held by Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad (BCHB) since 25 November 2002 and on 16 August 2007 was transferred to CIMB Group Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of BCHB. As the first local bank to introduce ATM services in 1987 and also on-line banking system in 1991, CIMB Niaga is well regarded as one of the most innovative banks in Indonesia.

Over the years, CIMB Niaga has been well regarded for its track record in customer service excellence. Through the extensive branch offices and ATM network, as well as wide range of sophisticated electronic channels, CIMB Niaga offers a highly personalised banking experience to its customers. In 2006, CIMB Niaga was awarded “The Most Consistent Bank in Service Excellence” by the Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI).

CIMB Niaga’s vision: To be the trusted bank in Indonesia, be part of the network of the well-known universal banking in South East Asia that understant the customers’ need, provide the accurate and comprehensive financial solution, and maintain continuous relationship.


CIMB Group Profile

CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider, and fifth largest in Southeast Asia by total assets. It is owned by Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad (BCHB), which is listed on Bursa Malaysia with a market capitalization of RM26.6 billion.

We operate as a universal bank offering a full range of financial products and services, covering corporate and investment banking, consumer banking, treasury, insurance and asset management. We offer products and services on a dual banking basis, giving customers a choice of both conventional and Islamic solutions.

As a universal bank, we are able to serve everyone from all walks of life in Malaysia as well as throughout the region, including large regional corporations, domestic listed companies, entrepreneurial start-ups, high-net worth individuals, pensioners and children. Today, we serve close to seven million customers in over 600 locations through over 25,000 staff.

At present, our main markets are Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, countries in which we have full universal banking capabilities. Our presence in 11 countries covers South East Asia and major global financial centres, as well as countries with which our South East Asian customers have significant business and investment dealings.

In addition, we extend our regional reach and range of products and services through strategic partnerships. Our partners include the Principal Financial Group, Aviva plc, Allianz Malaysia Berhad, Mapletree Capital Management, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Standard Bank plc, Daewoo Securities, the Kanoo Group, Malaysia Airlines, International Currency Exchange, EDS, Pos Malaysia, 7-11, Singer Malaysia and many more.

Our vision is to be “Southeast Asia’s most valued universal bank”. This means that

  • to customers, we want to be your bank of choice,
  • to employees, we want to be your preferred employer,
  • to shareholders, we want to be the bank to which you accord the highest premium,
  • to the communities in which we operate, we want to be the partner of choice to aid sustainable community development

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